Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
The space between notes allows music to be heard
It’s easier than ever to fill your daily schedule with a long list of tasks to accomplish before the day’s end.
It’s simpler than ever to fill up all the available space with more and more of everything: things to do, acquire, learn, know, accomplish.
In our modern culture, being busy is considered more desirable than having time off. If you’re busy, that’s good, right? It means you have more value, or are making more money, or are more important, doesn’t it?
Self healing begins with self love
This week’s healing tip: learn to give yourself the gifts of self-love, acceptance, and kindness, daily.
There is no healing substitute for self love. No other energy coming from anywhere or anyone is as powerful as the energy you give to yourself. Your attitude towards yourself matters.
You don’t have to prove it or earn it, but you deserve your own admiration and appreciation just for being alive. Especially if you are prone to bouts of self flagellation because you’ve made mistakes, or didn’t get enough items checked off your make-believe to do list, or somehow feel you’re not worthy.
The opportunity to grow and change is why you're here
You chose to have a body this lifetime in order to experience, grow, and change.
There is no mistake as to why you showed up now. You arrived on earth at a time of deep lasting spiritual evolution so that you'd have lots of room to grow. Even if you have no idea how you'll do this, don't worry! You already are.
We all change, whether we like it or not. Our bodies constantly change, and we all accept this as being normal. The attitude we have with the inevitable and natural changes within and around us, determines how we experience the growth we are having.
It takes nerve to work for peace
Do you have the nerve to demand peace from yourself?
People who have the desire to end their inner wars, will be on the front lines of peace. The fight for peace begins within each of us. When you declare a ceasefire within yourself, you bring a peaceful vibration with you everywhere you go. It can be that easy, and there’s no need to be in effort at all.
There is a catch. The hard part is that you actually have to do it. It’s easy to set new intentions, and another thing entirely to do whatever difficult soul searching work it takes to carry them out.
Question authority and become your own
You may recognize this famous photo, taken during an antiwar demonstration in 1967.
The 1960′s ushered in a revolution in ways of thinking and living, life. A tumultuous time, it was marked by both an end to innocence*, as well as a longing for more of the same. The old was explosively giving way to the new, as people all around the earth were born into a new era.
*Innocence Is defined in this example as ‘not knowing’ or ‘unaware’.
Psychic is an everyday way of being
Everyday is an adjective that means commonplace, ordinary, or normal.
You are psychic every day, and being psychic is an everyday thing. It's normal and human to be so, and you were born this way.
The great thing about being psychic is that there's plenty of it to go around. Because being psychic is within each of us, there is no shortage of psychics on earth. You can be psychic your way, and I can be psychic mine. Nobody gets to tell you or me that we are doing it wrong.
Your authenticity heals and transforms your world
What happens when you dive into the depths of yourself and find your authenticity?
When you get very honest about who you are right now, what changes for you? When you question what’s real and authentic for yourself, you choose to look deeper than the surface of things. You grow when you choose to follow your spirit’s truth. When you answer your own deepest questions truthfully, you’re willing to see clearly now, to drop your old illusions.
Your daily practice allows you to focus, direct, and change your life
A daily practice is an awareness tool that helps you focus your energy more consciously.
Where you put your energy is where you create. Having a daily practice for yourself makes it possible for you to aim and place your energy where you want it, instead of where you don't. Your daily practice can help you to achieve your goals by redirecting the unconscious actions and habits that scatter you and leave you feeling unfocused and ungrounded.
Journey to your heart’s truth
If you decide to travel on your journey, remember that the road ahead isn’t always paved, or even visible.
If you find yourself on such a road, that’s often a good sign. The road you are trying to find hasn’t been created yet, and it won’t be until you do it yourself. The route you need to take won’t always be obvious to you. Often there isn’t even a map. The road you find may not have any markings on it. You can travel for what feels like many miles without a clue as to where you actually are.
What is it that makes you unique?
It’s your spirit that makes it possible for you to stand out, and be uniquely you.
If you thought it was the attention from others that made you stand out and be seen – as in how many fans you have, and how popular you are, you may want to check again. Your popularity in the outside world can be very separate from the truth of who you are, deep within.
There’s no other like you, you are one of a kind – and when you find the courage to be the unique you that you are, you can create your true life.
What energy are you wearing today?
Today is another opportunity to get up, and then to wake up, and then to make a choice.
What are you choosing? How about this: what’s your energy for today? Will you find your own vibration, or will you match to the energy of others around you? In other words, will you decide consciously, or will you allow it to be decided for you? You get to choose.
Choosing the energy you’ll wear for the day ahead is about being conscious. Just as you already choose which clothes to wear, what colors, jewelry, shoes, coat, you can choose the energy.
Surrender is the skill to learn in the 21st century
Surrender Dorothy!
The Wicked Witch of the West blazed these words across the sky in angry black smoke. Oh no, surely surrender meant the end for poor Dorothy! Could she escape this one? Could she still win? Would anyone come to rescue her? Or would she come to a tragic end at the hands of the wickedest woman alive?
In our Western culture, Surrender has often been synonymous with Losing.