Foundation Meditation Class is now available!
The Foundation Meditation Class is now available as a private one to one experience!
I now offer one to one meditation classes. This is a 4 week class, one hour per week, by webcam with you and me. I’ll be leading you through your own personal meditation experience, teaching you a number of powerful and fun energy tools that are, literally, the foundation for turning on your clairvoyance.
Cost for the 4 week meditation class: $450.00. Sign up for this personalized meditation journey with me.
This class takes place online via webcam. When you enroll, we will set up a 4 week schedule to meet that works for your schedule.
My meditation style is an active, creative, dynamic style of meditation, which focuses on having an awareness of energy, and getting energy in movement. Meditation with an emphasis on working with the creative, imaginative part of you - your spirit, is my meditation jam.
Techniques taught in my meditation classes will give you the foundation of a meditation practice that emphasizes:
Connecting with your own unique energy, and your spirit, using real and tangible tools with impact you will notice right away in all aspects of your life.
Learn tools to be grounded and centered in your own space - anywhere, anytime.
Separate in a healthy from other people’s energy - so you can let go of what is not yours and have more of your own energy, or space to create new experiences that you want.
Discern in an immediate way what is your energy and what isn’t.
Reclaim and re-integrate your unique energy from past experiences as a way of increasing vitality, health, and well-being in both body and spirit.
Get your energy in movement in a way that validates your spirit and is comfortable for your body.
Turn on your psychic abilities in a way that does not feel overwhelming or scary - have fun doing it!
Work with your own energy to create the life you want - effortlessly.
Individual Meditation Coaching
Enjoy a personalized guided meditation, and kickstart your own meditation practice to where you want it to be. This session includes instruction and guidance for your questions about energy and meditation. Whether you know how to meditate, or it's new for you, this is fun way to update and get more from your own meditation practice.
You can meet with me before we begin your first coaching session, to discuss your goals and communicate what you hope to have from this session. I will have suggestions for you about what can be helpful for you as you take a step in learning more about energy and how to work with it in your daily life.
You can bring your questions about meditation to this session. This coaching session can make it easier for you to validate your own practice and energy goals.
If you have a friend or two who would like to meet for a private class, reach out to me, and I’ll quote a price based on the number of people committed to participating.
Energy is the stuff we are all made of. It's in everyone and everything.
As you become conscious of the energy around and inside of you, you develop an awareness of yourself. You start to know your own energy, and also what isn’t your energy, but is in your space.
When you know the difference between what is your energy, and also what isn’t, you have the power to create more of what you want in your life.
How does meditation help you to be psychic?
Meditation is a way to know more about yourself, and find out who you are. It's having a conversation within, and finding stillness and peace there. We are constantly driven outside of ourselves, often without stopping for a break from the maelstrom that is modern life. It can feel like one is swimming upstream against the current on those days when there is a lot of energy to handle in the world.
Everything begins with grounding and being safe, including having your abilities working for you. It's difficult to open up to those sensitive levels of being psychic if you're afraid you'll take on energy that might hurt you. Your psychic abilities are precious resources that exist for you to work with, and to create your life with. Each person will have access to their own abilities in a unique way, and when you embrace being psychic as a normal, fun part of life, you open up to having more of you. You make it easier to effortlessly create what it is you want to have in your life.
Being psychic is about having your spiritual growth, and that's where your real journey begins.
Questions? Reach out to me with any questions you have about meditation, classes, or coaching.