Creativity, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Creativity, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

Listen to your heart and get a life – yours

Has your heart been calling to you? Have you been listening, or have you blocked its calls?

Did you turn your heart’s volume down, put out a ‘do not disturb’ sign, or invalidated it as being unrealistic? Perhaps you’ve believed those who insist that the pursuit of career, money, status, and power are better choices than listening to one’s heart.

Have you gotten to the point where you can no longer ignore its message? That truth speaking from deep within your heart won’t be silenced. It’s telling you something is amiss, and that you are ignoring your deepest dreams.

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If you want to heal the world, start by healing yourself

You already have what it takes to help heal the world you live in.

You can create healing on this planet. The trick is to begin with yourself, and do your own healing from within. You are not responsible for healing the rest of us, and you don’t have the power to decide who heals.

All healing is self healing, which means that others heal from within themselves too. You can never do someone else’s healing for them, because it's not your job. However, you have an important effect on how and whether others choose to heal themselves. You might be unaware of the power you possess to do this.

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Creativity, Meditation Kris Cahill Creativity, Meditation Kris Cahill

Notes on listening to myself

I come from a long line of busy people. It’s possible that you do too.

‘Idle hands are the devil’s playthings’ or however that phrase goes, could have been stamped on the wall of the house I grew up in.

Except it would have gone more along the lines of ‘mom’s coming, look busy’. Being engaged in the act of listening to myself didn't count. Maybe this is why meditation became so important to me as an adult.

At a young age, I learned that adults do not like to see a kid sitting around, doing nothing.

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Creativity, Clairvoyance, Audio Blog Kris Cahill Creativity, Clairvoyance, Audio Blog Kris Cahill

Curiosity leads you to your true self

Your curiosity is the tool that will lead you to create an authentic life for yourself.

Curiosity makes it possible to imagine and create a brand new world, especially when you’ve come to the end of the old one. When you need a next step forward and a new adventure, get curious.

The perfect place to begin any adventure is with a thoughtful question. Questions are always more important than finding the correct answer. As for answers, they change as often as you do, which will be a lot if you keep asking quality questions.

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Clairvoyance, Creativity Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Creativity Kris Cahill

Creating a new world with curiosity, imagination, and clairvoyance

What do curiosity, imagination, and clairvoyance have to do with creating a new world? Only everything.

Curiosity asks, “I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where people get along with each other? A world at peace? That would be so nice.”.

Curiosity has a lot of questions to ask. Rather than blindly accepting that this is 'the way things are', curiosity creates a new possibility by asking questions.

Curiosity comes from within, from your spirit.

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Know Yourself, Consciousness Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Consciousness Kris Cahill

Is your self image in present time with you?

One of the most important aspects of you as a being, is how you see yourself.

Your self image becomes your way of being in the world. How you see yourself matters to your life, and to your enjoyment of being you. Nobody else can convince you that you are worthy, or that it’s okay for you to have your life for yourself, if you don’t believe it too.

If you see yourself as capable, you’re more likely to reach out for something you want, and you’re more willing to take risks. When you have a present time positive self image, it’s easier to step out and be seen, and to shine.

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Know Yourself, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill

What does your impossible dream look like?

“There is no use trying,” said Alice; “one can’t believe impossible things.”

“I dare say you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” ~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Many years ago, a serious young man told me that after finishing school and beginning his work life, he realized he wanted to go back and get a different degree in something he found he had a real affinity for. In other words, he was finding his passion. I was happy for him, getting ready to cheer him on, and then…

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Energy Awareness, Meditation Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Meditation Kris Cahill

Change your energy and change your life

You are made of energy. Every part of you is energy: body, mind, and spirit.

Your emotions, creativity, abilities, intellect, interests, and all the rest, are energy. There’s energy in everything you do, say, feel, and decide to have. You have a personal style that comes from your unique energy. This is your spirit playing and creating, and it’s one of a kind.

The way you communicate with the world around you has energy. Your creative expression, your personal taste, your relationships with others, your health, finances, you name it – all have energy. Every time you change your energy, you change your life. Change any of your energy, and your life changes too.

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Creativity, Consciousness Kris Cahill Creativity, Consciousness Kris Cahill

Have you had your daily dose of beauty?

Did you know that beauty is your birthright?

You live on a gorgeous planet, after all. You are fully equipped to experience the earth's beauty through all of your senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch. The earth is only too happy to indulge you; this earth is a cornucopia of delights, a paradise.

If you’re in the midst of a busy day, hitting stress and challenges along the way, getting your daily dose of beauty can make all the difference in how you feel. You can take a few minutes to slow down and look, listen, taste, touch, and smell. An added bonus is that your senses will remind you that you are a human being, with a body.

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Creativity, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Creativity, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

Perfection can really bite

Perfection isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

There’s nothing wrong with aiming for perfection or wanting to be excellent. The desire to get things right isn’t a harmful one, not in the least.

Being your best self means that you’re willing to do the work you need to do to embellish yourself. It's validating and satisfying to know that you did your best. It’s helpful to have a meaningful goal to work towards. It's really fun to grow.

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Creativity, Meditation Kris Cahill Creativity, Meditation Kris Cahill

Meditation brings inspiration and helps me manifest my creations

My best creative ideas don't show up when I'm in effort.

I cannot be trying hard in order to have brilliant ideas flowing. If I want gorgeous inspiration to show up and grace me with its presence, I have to relax and let go of any sticky desperate effort energy.

Inspiration is energy, and so are all the beautiful fun ideas that show up. Sometimes I get my best ideas while sitting in my meditation chair, eyes closed, breathing and grounding and releasing old energy. Regular meditation also helps me to have the ideas that show up, instead of judging them or immediately saying ‘no’ because I run into an unconscious fear about my ideas.

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Dream a brand new dream tonight

Today is a perfect day to begin dreaming a brand new dream, a beautiful grandiose dream, a dream that can change the whole future of humanity, dream.

When you give yourself full rein to dream, without effort or worry over whether your dreams can become real, you open up to the most prolific creative part of you - your spirit.

As you allow yourself to step into a world you imagine, your powerful spirit gets to work. Previously imagined blocks toward your dreams fall away - you can feel a good dream deeply in your body. Even if it’s not ‘real’ yet in your day to day world, it’s alive and real inside of you. It is your job to protect your dream, and to nurture it, own it, love it.

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