The fine art of free will
The choice you make in any situation will depend on the choices you see before you.
Yes, you do have free will, and are free to choose what you want, but what choices are on your menu? Sometimes you might believe you have no choice because none of the available options you see appeal to you. Remember that not choosing is also a choice.
Slow down your daily pace in order to live more fully
Do you pay attention to how fast you are expected to move through your daily life?
Depending on what is happening in your life right now, you are faced with demands to get more done in your day, every day. This means you're expected to move faster, never slow down or stop moving, and produce produce produce.
You are the one making some of those demands on yourself, and it could be that you're used to doing things this way. It is a positive thing to get a lot of stuff done, and some days it's the right answer.
The truth and who gets to tell it
Whose truth are you following? Who do you believe?
Do you need me to agree with what you believe? You might believe something is your truth, but that doesn't mean it's mine too. Is there room here for us to disagree, peacefully?
When a belief becomes The Truth, conflicts erupt. If your truth doesn't match the truth of another person, and there's no space for both truths to exist, what happens?
How do you see your relationship to freedom?
You might see freedom as a way of living your life, perhaps as a goal with a desired outcome.
Freedom might equate having the peace of mind to know that you don’t have to worry about paying your bills. Some people see freedom as patriotism, and all of the ideas and pictures associated with that. Then there is the freedom to love who you choose, and to be safe where you live - the freedom to be who you are.
Others, more bleakly, see freedom as an impossible to achieve dream.
Healing the spirit for over 40,000 years
The evolution of the human spirit is the evolution of creativity, and of art.
Art has been healing the spirit for over 40,000 years now. Art speaks to the spirit. When you work from your spirit, you and your life are more in line with what you came here to do and become.
Creativity is the key for survival for more reasons than just plain old survival.
The world changed forever when you got here
As soon as you showed up, the world you live in became a different place.
Being very small at the time, you weren’t aware of what an enormous impact you were already having. You were too busy figuring out how to have a body.
Though you looked pretty harmless, you were already destroying everything in your path. In fact, your very first act upon arrival was to destroy what had been in existence before you got here.
Dare to be different from all the rest: be yourself
You already are one of a kind. All you really need to do to be different, to stand out in a crowd, is to be yourself.
This works even better if you can also love who you are, and own your own self image. ‘But who am I?’ you may well ask yourself, "can I really be myself?".
It’s your job to find this out. Along the way, others will attempt to help you do this, by telling you who they think you are. Most of them don’t really know, because nobody knows you better than you know yourself.
The fine art of non effort and working with your spirit
Sometimes we humans are excellent at making things seem harder than those things need to be.
One reason we do this is because we’re trying to control the situation, perhaps so others won’t compete with us? Our big show of effort becomes a sleight of hand, designed to throw others off our trail.
If it looks that hard to do, will you even try? Do you believe you’re worthy to give it a try at all? What if you fail? Can you embrace non effort?
On having your space in an ever changing world
It’s easy to lose perspective and space when going through times of great change.
Things seems to be moving faster every day, as if the planet itself is spinning more rapidly. Life on earth feels more intense these days, with brilliant miracles as well as big challenges showing up daily.
Because of all this intensity, we can get caught up in whatever is right in front of us more easily. This includes the latest news, someone else’s anger or problems or fears, politics, worries about jobs, money, relationships, and other issues that can take over.
The 4th chakra and the spiritual revolution
Revolutions throughout history have a reputation for being loud, violent, bloody, and not always leading to a reliable outcome, depending on your point of view.
Revolutions come in many forms, and each one is unique. The word ‘revolution’ itself has a number of definitions, including this one: “a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something: a change of paradigm”.
No matter your current age, you have lived through some form of revolution. In the early 21st century, you will continue to do so daily. Transformation and evolution are happening swiftly, all around us, all over the world.
Is it time for self validation?
When you’re on a journey of self awareness and discovery, it can be all too easy to focus on the places you have gotten stuck in your life.
When you begin to dive into the work of knowing who you really are, you come face to face with all of the things you’ve tried and failed to be. That's the perfect time to take a self validation break, and remind yourself how far you've come.
While you’re in the middle of intense new growth, it might take everything you have to keep moving forward. If you get caught in what isn’t working, what you’re missing, or where you went wrong, you’ll forget to validate what went right.
Who owns your body?
My first fight with a doctor happened when I was 19 years old.
My mother took me to this doctor because I’d received a diagnosis of dysplasia, which is considered a pre-cancerous condition. An RN who worked at the University of Chicago hospital at the time, my mother rather predictably freaked out at my diagnosis, which is why I didn’t want to tell her in the first place. However, I was smart enough to know I needed her help with this, so I included her.
She chose a well respected specialist in gynecology at the U of C, and off we went.