Meditation, Creativity Kris Cahill Meditation, Creativity Kris Cahill

Create a daily practice and commit to your dreams

'Whatever the Universe brings me’ is a phrase I’ve heard uttered more times than I can count.

When someone says this in front of me, my response is typically, ‘but what do you want?’.

If you don’t know what you want, and are ordering ‘whatever’ for your life, indeed ‘whatever’ is what will come your way. However, it may not be the same ‘whatever’ you thought you might have someday. You're the one who has to commit to your path in order to get where you want to be.

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Meditation, Grounding Kris Cahill Meditation, Grounding Kris Cahill

Meditation helps you to let go of the fears of others

Here’s another great reason to get your daily meditation practice on.

Being a human being is pretty intense. There is a lot to get through, every day.

Especially during times of great change and upheaval, the level of intensity increases. This time counts as one of those times. Spiritual evolution is upon us, in a great big wonderful juicy way. Being able to let go of what you can't control is a skill to have right now.

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Social change is a consciousness issue

It may begin with a wish, a new picture for a better way of living.

Perhaps there is a deep desire to let go of the status quo, because it simply doesn’t work anymore. It’s time to get out of the way – here comes the future. It’s evolution, baby!

Revolution comes from within. Before any social change is created in the outer world, in the United States and abroad, it first of all begins within. True revolution is not imposed on us from some force ‘out there’. We create it; when we are ready for new growth and change, it comes easily.

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Notes on being a spiritual activist

Spiritual activism is about consciousness.

When you become conscious about something, any energy that was stuck before you became conscious starts to move. The more consciousness you embrace, the more you decide to become aware, the more movement happens. You become a spiritual activist. Change follows quickly.

All change begins within, sometimes starting out quietly, rumbling in the background.

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Meditation, Spiritual Agreements Kris Cahill Meditation, Spiritual Agreements Kris Cahill

Be safe enough to shine your own light

Many people believe that becoming invisible is a life strategy that will keep them safe.

They believe that if they show who they really are, and shine their light, bad things will happen to them.

If they dare to venture outside of the well known and secure life they have constructed around themselves, unknown bad things will show up, which is different from all the “known” bad things they see on TV and in the news, everyday.

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Creativity, Grounding Kris Cahill Creativity, Grounding Kris Cahill

The art of being spontaneous and letting go of control

The possibility for unscripted, spontaneous beauty exists in every moment.

Out of control beauty is everywhere! When you are present in the moment, life's great improvisation flows in a magnificent way.

Your most fun memories might be from spontaneous, magical moments, events that occurred without a big plan. Things just happened, unexpected people showed up, and a beautiful time was had by all. The energy was perfect, without trying to make it that way.

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Creativity, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill Creativity, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill

Self healing tip of the week: Go outside and play!

Being human can feel really serious and challenging at times.

Sometimes you get stuck, people are unkind, life is hard, answers are few, choices are limited. You don't get to have fun and play.

It can seem as if no matter how hard you try, you can't see the bright side of the situation in front of you. Watching the news only makes it worse - it feels like everything is falling apart out there.

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Know Yourself, Clairvoyance Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Clairvoyance Kris Cahill

Being in present time with your clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is the ability to see energy clearly.

You are made of energy, as is everyone and everything that exists. When you use your clairvoyance to see your world, you see beneath the surface. This helps you to become aware of and understand things others might miss because they are only seeing the surface of things.

‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’ is true for everyone you know, including you.

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Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill

A clairvoyant looks at your aura

You have a certain aura about you.

You are more than a body, you are also a spirit. Specifically, you are a spiritual being in a physical body.

You have a spiritual space, an energy field around you, called the aura.

Your aura is the first thing other people see, even before they see your body. It may not consciously register for them, but there is an awareness of you as an energy.

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