Know Yourself, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill

Thank you, for being you

You may not realize what a gift you are, simply for existing and being yourself.

Nobody else has ever been just like you. The exact combination of stuff that is you, is one of a kind. Because of this, you don’t really have any competition, and you don’t ever have to be anything but you. Your spirit is unique in all of time, and nobody else can replace you.

The best part of this is that you get to decide how and who you want to be. Sometimes, because of this uniqueness, you may feel invalidated.

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Destruction is not an enemy, but a gift

You've surely noticed that destruction is a recurring and uncontrollable part of life.

So is creation, but destruction is the energy that gets the bad rap. Destruction is judged as a negative, an unnecessary evil, and it often gets mixed up with other energies like anger, unkindness, and war. Bad, bad destruction! Destruction is the bad girl (or boy) of energies.

Some of what is said about destruction goes like this: good and nice people don’t willingly destroy a perfectly good thing, and women are not supposed to destroy at all.

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Spiritual Evolution, Creativity Kris Cahill Spiritual Evolution, Creativity Kris Cahill

You are here to give your gifts

It’s not a throw of the dice, or a mere coincidence that you were born with the talents and skills you have.

You might have accepted your gifts as being part of who you are. You’re right about this, but there’s more to look at here. Each of the talents you’ve opened up and developed has given to you in more ways than you might validate for yourself. Each has been a gift you had to choose to acknowledge, then open up and use.

In order to use your gifts and abilities, you had to do some work.

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Consciousness, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Consciousness, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

What is your inner voice telling you?

What do you say to yourself, and how do you say it?

Do you speak to yourself as if you trust and value you? Do you listen to your inner voice? Are you kind to yourself? Can you sing out loud, tell yourself jokes, and reassure the timid, scared parts of you that you’re okay? Or do you judge yourself for being less than you think you should be?

Are you even on speaking terms with yourself? Or do you go for long stretches without remembering that you have an inner voice? Do you tell yourself that you love you? Do you compliment yourself for doing something well, and thank yourself for being brave?

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Healing Yourself, Consciousness Kris Cahill Healing Yourself, Consciousness Kris Cahill

What is your relationship to pain?

Each of us has a relationship to pain, conscious or not.

Whether you see it as your friend or foe, pain has helped you grow, and taught you important lessons. Pain is a familiar experience in life. It's never fun when you're going through the thick of it, but pain can be a valuable ally when you create a more conscious relationship to it.

Being in a body can sometimes be a painful experience. Emotions, including pain, are the language of the body. You can learn compassion from feeling your own wounds, and also from witnessing and validating the feelings of others around you.

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Know Yourself, Spiritual Agreements Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Spiritual Agreements Kris Cahill

Are you really who they say you are?

They’ve been doing it your whole life, letting you know who you are and how you fit in.

Are you really who, and how, others say you are? It’s not that anyone means you any harm by telling you these things. After all, you’ve probably done the same for others. It can be a great validation and comfort to be accepted into a group.

Belonging can help you feel safe, which is why it's so difficult to pull away from the group identity. You might even belong to a group you love to hate, yet can’t seem to step away from. You get sucked back in every time you try.

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Meditation, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill Meditation, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill

Do you practice the art of listening?

Do you sit still and simply listen, not so much to the many sounds and noises out in the world, but to the sounds within you?

If you meditate, you may already do this, simply because you take the time to sit still, to engage yourself in the art of listening.

Stillness is the first part of the art of listening, going within yourself to listen is the next. It’s a simple activity, one that will give you bountiful insights into the most valuable resource you have, namely yourself.

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Know Yourself, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill

The greatest psychic ability is to know yourself

Nobody knows you better than you know yourself.

If someone tells you they know you better than you do, they are misinformed. They might be saying that they know who they want you to be, who you are 'supposed' to be, or who you want them to think you are. Meanwhile, the actual truth of who you are might be hidden and protected down deep, under a surface of demands, responsibilities, beliefs, agreements, and other people’s energy.

Your truth might be so well hidden that even you are having a hard time seeing it. You might not know yourself, the real you, at all.

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Spiritual Evolution, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill Spiritual Evolution, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill

What happens when you believe in yourself?

When you choose to believe in yourself, you’re ignoring the status quo that says you require approval from others in order to proceed with your belief in you.

Following the rules (someone else’s rules) isn’t on your agenda. Your spirit is self employed, and you’re following your internal truth. You’re not taking memos from others. You evolve this way, just by choosing to believe in you.

A belief in yourself is a positive ‘yes!’ to your spirit and its ability to move you in your life. Trust and faith are present and working their magic

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Know Yourself, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill

Following your heart is a gift to all

Have you considered that following your heart is a gift to the rest of us?

If you’ve been of the mindset that taking care of yourself first, and listening to your own true desires is selfish and unrealistic, here’s some good news for you. When you listen to what you want and follow your own internal guidance system, you will create a happy and fulfilled life for yourself.

You'll be living in your own truth, and be able to become who you are here to be.

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Know Yourself, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill

How can you increase your value?

Is it you who gets to decide that you have value? Have you been waiting for others to see it first?

If you allow your value to be determined for you by the judgments or standards of others, you may want to rethink this choice. Yes, this is a choice, even if it’s an unconscious one.

Somewhere along the way, you gave up ownership of your self worth to someone or something else. Your family, society, teachers, culture, group, or even your friends might be the ones you allow to decide your value for you. If you haven’t been feeling good about yourself lately, and nobody around you is very validating to you, perhaps you need to reclaim your value for yourself.

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Scarcity is a lie

Can you have for yourself the abundance that is true, everywhere, on this planet?

Does your definition of abundance include feeling well, having time to yourself, and having enough space to breathe and do as you please?

We’ve become used to equating value and abundance with how much money one has, but the truth is that having a lot of money doesn’t guarantee that you will feel abundant and prosperous. It doesn’t insure you against fear of the future, or make you happy.

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