Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
What does your impossible dream look like?
“There is no use trying,” said Alice; “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I dare say you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” ~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Many years ago, a serious young man told me that after finishing school and beginning his work life, he realized he wanted to go back and get a different degree in something he found he had a real affinity for. In other words, he was finding his passion. I was happy for him, getting ready to cheer him on, and then…
Dream a brand new dream tonight
Today is a perfect day to begin dreaming a brand new dream, a beautiful grandiose dream, a dream that can change the whole future of humanity, dream.
When you give yourself full rein to dream, without effort or worry over whether your dreams can become real, you open up to the most prolific creative part of you - your spirit.
As you allow yourself to step into a world you imagine, your powerful spirit gets to work. Previously imagined blocks toward your dreams fall away - you can feel a good dream deeply in your body. Even if it’s not ‘real’ yet in your day to day world, it’s alive and real inside of you. It is your job to protect your dream, and to nurture it, own it, love it.
With spirit there are no borders
Can you imagine a day when human beings can learn to live together without needing to judge, divide, or exploit each other?
Perhaps on that day, we won’t need to compartmentalize each other. When we choose to work with spirit, value judgments won’t be made based on how much wealth a person has been able to amass, or on the color of his skin, the language she speaks, the way each chooses to dress.
We won’t make it our business to worry about the relationships people choose to have, and whether their choices pass judgment.
Healing the spirit for over 40,000 years
The evolution of the human spirit is the evolution of creativity, and of art.
Art has been healing the spirit for over 40,000 years now. Art speaks to the spirit. When you work from your spirit, you and your life are more in line with what you came here to do and become.
Creativity is the key for survival for more reasons than just plain old survival.
The 4th chakra and the spiritual revolution
Revolutions throughout history have a reputation for being loud, violent, bloody, and not always leading to a reliable outcome, depending on your point of view.
Revolutions come in many forms, and each one is unique. The word ‘revolution’ itself has a number of definitions, including this one: “a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something: a change of paradigm”.
No matter your current age, you have lived through some form of revolution. In the early 21st century, you will continue to do so daily. Transformation and evolution are happening swiftly, all around us, all over the world.
Notes on being a spiritual activist
Spiritual activism is about consciousness.
When you become conscious about something, any energy that was stuck before you became conscious starts to move. The more consciousness you embrace, the more you decide to become aware, the more movement happens. You become a spiritual activist. Change follows quickly.
All change begins within, sometimes starting out quietly, rumbling in the background.
Whose planet is it anyway?
Can you feel the new changes coming to Earth?
Change is happening within you and me, right now. It's happening within each of us on this beautiful planet we all call home.
As change happens within, as we wake up, external changes follow effortlessly.
Sometimes it gets messy while we change, because destruction is a big part of new creation. There has to be space enough for the new growth to take place, so the old has to go away.
The personal is political is spiritual
Your consciousness changes the world in which you live.
When you decide to wake up and become aware, that simple action changes your world. Of course, once you do all that, you’ll find it very difficult to go back to sleep and ignore what’s happening around you, or worse, pretend it isn’t. Even if it’s hard to know, it’s harder to be unconscious.
My new American Dream has room for everyone
There is a big rescue effort underway in the United States to bring back the American Dream and save the endangered species known as the middle class.
According to sources, this species has been under attack since approximately 1980, and is in danger of becoming extinct.
Waking up can be an alarming proposition
What shakes up when you wake up?
If it’s been feeling like an earthquake is happening even when the ground isn’t rocking, you are noticing the effects of huge change. This change is happening not just Out There but inside of you. You are in the process of waking up.
Clearing karma is completing old business
If you’ve been feeling like you’re living in the middle of a storm, you’re not alone.
It can be easy to feel isolated and all alone during times of great duress and stress; times of clearing karma.
Every transformation begins with letting go of an old identity
It’s that time again. You’d think I’d be used to this by now, but I’m still hitting that old familiar resistance.
Big time change is here, again, and though I’m welcoming this one, it’s a bit nerve wracking. I know that if I allow myself to roll with it, it will get easier. Still, part of me is fighting letting go of the old identity I’ve been hauling around.