Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
The art of being spontaneous and letting go of control
The possibility for unscripted, spontaneous beauty exists in every moment.
Out of control beauty is everywhere! When you are present in the moment, life's great improvisation flows in a magnificent way.
Your most fun memories might be from spontaneous, magical moments, events that occurred without a big plan. Things just happened, unexpected people showed up, and a beautiful time was had by all. The energy was perfect, without trying to make it that way.
Imagination, dreaming, and grounding
Grounding yourself helps you to dream big, and to make your big dreams real.
You've been dreaming your whole life, even when you weren't trying to do so. Creating a dream for your life is effortless, because it is you the being, the spirit of you, that dreams.
10 easy ways to ground yourself
Grounding is a tool you can use to make yourself safe and relaxed.
Grounding yourself helps you to release anxiety, depression, stress, pain and fatigue. You can more easily let go of the past, make your body happy and calm, and give yourself the permission to create what you want.
Grounding yourself helps you grow a grounded business
If you want a grounded business, begin with you.
Grounding makes things real, and helps you to manifest your creations. If you want to create a successful business, career, or job, look no further than yourself.
Time Stopped: what Miss Havisham taught us about letting go
Miss Havisham is a character in Charles Dickens’ ‘Great Expectations’, famous for being jilted by her groom-to-be on their wedding day.
Havisham receives a telegram at 8:40am on the day in question, letting her know that her betrothed will not marry her. What does Havisham do after this rude rejection? She decides to stop time in that precise moment, 8:40am.
Grounding changed my life and helped me to heal myself
The day I learned how to ground myself, I felt an immediate sense of relief and knowing.
Until then, I didn’t know what I didn’t know - about what grounding could do for me. I had a vague idea that I needed to learn how to ground, and for a long while it was a big mystery as to how this would happen.
Grounding yourself can help you turn on your psychic abilities
Grounding is a tool you can use to connect yourself to the earth.
Grounding helps you to have safety within yourself. When you and your body feel safe, it's much easier to turn on your psychic abilities.
Grounding changes your experience of having a body
My entire experience of being a person in a body changed the day I learned how to ground myself properly.
After having a careless unconscious relationship with my body for many years, I was full of so much energy that wasn’t even mine, and that I didn’t know what to do with.
What is grounding and what can it do for you?
Grounding is a technique you can use to make yourself feel safe and real.
You can ground yourself by creating a connection from you to the earth, specifically from your body at your 1st chakra, to the earth. This connection is called a grounding cord, and helps your body to relax and feel more at ease.
Ground yourself to make your creative ideas become real
When you have trouble making your creative ideas real, does this mean you're unable to create?
You might want to take a grounding break. Ground yourself and make it easier to manifest your creative projects.