Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
Notes on learning to listen deeply
Deep listening is an art.
The ability to listen deeply is more than simply hearing the noises of the city or your office or home. When you take the time to listen to yourself, your body, the earth, nature, spirit, other people, you receive information that helps you understand and grow. Listening deeply brings awareness.
On becoming a conscious healer
Many well meaning and compassionate people make the mistake of giving away their healing energy.
Some believe that being a healer means they have to give their healing energy to others. They unconsciously walk through their life healing everyone in sight.
What have you agreed to have?
Can you have for yourself the beauty, wealth, health, happiness, peace, freedom, and love that exist in endless quantities in this Universe?
Can you trust in something you don't yet have and perhaps can't see, but know in your heart is possible?
What don't you know that you don't know?
What are you not aware of not being aware about?
What's never crossed your mind? Until suddenly it does, and you realize you didn't know this before. Maybe you realize it was there all along, and you couldn't see it yet. What don't you know that you don't know?