Being clairvoyant helps you see your value
Clairvoyance is the psychic ability to see clearly.
Someone practicing the art of clairvoyance can learn to use this brilliant spiritual tool to see themselves clearly - with compassion, forgiveness, and love. The greatest clairvoyant ability is to see yourself clearly.
When spirit becomes your daily companion, life changes for the better
Learning to slow down to have more space.
I’ve always been a bit fiery and fast moving, and I'm not the most patient of souls sometimes. These are some of the things I'm working on adjusting for myself. I get stuff done, but it's more fun for me if I remember that what's most important is the spirit I bring along with me. I'd like to be operating more from a place of inner peace and relaxation, in other words, trust.
The days I rush through my morning daily practice, (meditation etc.) because I convince myself that I'm too busy or over scheduled, I feel it.
Magic happens when you consciously direct your attention
Your attention is one of the most powerful things you own.
Where you put your attention, consciously or not, is where you put your energy, your life force. Directing your energy is a creative act. When you direct your own energy on purpose, you have what you need to create your life for yourself. When you collect up your energy and direct it towards the things you want to create, you are more successful at manifesting those things.
In order to do this, you might choose to pull your attention and energy back from the things you've been unconsciously directing it towards, especially if those things don't work for you.
How I learned to see myself clearly, and to love what I see
Ever since childhood, I’ve been deeply committed to having my creativity in my life.
As a young woman freshly graduated from art school, I created a fashion and costume business, which was my dream. I was making a living as an artist and designer, and hanging out with artists of all kinds. It was fascinating and fun, and exactly what I’d set out to do.
But I was often invalidated and insecure about myself and my creations, and had the feeling that I wasn’t good enough.
Are you ready to be disillusioned?
Contrary to popular opinion, becoming disillusioned might not be so bad.
Finding yourself disillusioned means that you’re no longer under an illusion of some kind.
What if this means that now you’re able and willing to see what’s really going on? The veil has lifted, and you can see clearly now.
Are you allowed to know your own truth?
Are you the one who’s in charge of knowing what’s true for you?
When your truth is inconvenient for someone, they will try to convince you that they know best what’s true for you. If you allow others to convince you that what you know isn't true, you’re letting them curate your truth for you.
You are the book to read and the story to write
As a psychic teacher, people often ask me which books I read to learn about chakras, the aura, and psychic abilities.
I didn’t learn about these things from reading a book, so I offer my next best advice: ‘if you really want to learn about chakras and read auras, take the clairvoyant training’ I say. Yes, but which books, they ask, surely there have got to be books that will help me be psychic.
You already are psychic. It is helpful to know that you cannot learn how to give a psychic reading from a book.
You can learn to take control of your psychic abilities
Your psychic abilities are real and belong to you.
But what do you do with unwanted psychic information?
When you feel like you don’t have control over the energy and information coming into your awareness and space, you’re not the one in charge of your psychic abilities. It’s like having a beautiful car to drive, except that you never get to decide where you’re going. Something else, some other agenda, comes in to drive your energy, instead of you. Before you know it, you have a dent and a flat tire, and you didn’t even get to see what you wanted to see!
Peace is more than an absence of war
Peace is a quality of life issue.
Peace is a creative, living energy. True peace isn’t static – there is constant movement and growth in its creation. When we decide to make peace a choice, we can choose it again and again.
Having a passion for this healing vibration means you can create from an experience of having peace, rather than in response to war. What if peace were much more than just not fighting?
Your vibration of energy matters more than ever
You are made of energy, and your energy has a vibration.
You’re always vibrating at one energetic tone or another, and you’ve done so your whole life. Happiness, pain, fear, love, excitement, anticipation, peace, forgiveness, anger, invalidation, kindness. These are all vibrations of energy to which you can match or unmatch.
Consciousness and unconsciousness play a big part in this.
10 ways to protect your energy
Your energy is the most precious resource you have.
You're going to need plenty of your own energy to create what you want to have in your life. Every single thing you have or do or create, requires energy. Even the simplest everyday activities have an energy load.
The healing power of gratitude
There are countless ways to heal yourself. Gratitude is one of them.
Gratitude is a perfect way to show up consciously and remind yourself of your many, many blessings. When you say 'thank you', you are also saying you are abundant. You have received, you have been given to. You can have. When you express thanks, you are saying that you are already prosperous. This attitude, this energy, makes it easy for you to have more of what you do want.
With this grateful attitude, you are healing yourself. The wonderful thing about you healing yourself is that it spreads to others around you.