Know Yourself, Creativity Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Creativity Kris Cahill

Follow your heart and you won’t be lost

If you follow your heart, you won't be walking on anyone else’s beaten path.

Even though you may feel lost from time to time, you can't lose your way if you're making your own path. Your path won’t exist until you create it, and it's yours alone to find. So who's to say you're lost? You're discovering your path, and when you're on a journey there is no lost, only discovery.

Anyone who judges you for doing it the wrong way isn't paying attention to their own path. Like an explorer charting wild and unknown territory, when you follow your heart you have the opportunity to discover the secrets you have hidden deep within.

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Energy Awareness, Grounding Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Grounding Kris Cahill

What kind of energy runs through you, body and spirit?

Are you aware of the vibration of energy running through you right now?

Energy runs through you every day. One vibration of energy or another flows through you all day long. Sometimes you have several different energies at once vying for your attention, and your space.

Energy is everywhere: in other people, situations, news reports, school, work, nature, traffic. Everyone and everything is made of energy, and each of us has a unique vibration.

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Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill

Clairvoyance is not about predicting the future

The demand to predict the future is intense, and often invalidating.

When you require predictions from outside of you for what is going to happen in the future, you invalidate your own spirit’s ability to see, know, and most importantly, create. You give away your power to create your future. If you get stuck in believing that others outside of yourself have this power, they will gladly choose for you.

Each of us has dreams, desires, and wishes.

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Consciousness, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill Consciousness, Spiritual Evolution Kris Cahill

Nobody said consciousness would be easy

The arrival of consciousness is often preceded by a period of confusion, destruction, and uncertainty.

Consciousness has even been known to bring sudden upsets and changes along in its wake. Things may not go according to plan. Your old friend, Doubt, shows up and wants a place to stay.

People keep doing irritating things, such as filling the oceans with noxious poisons and taking the whole planet hostage. It’s easy to get mired in the muck, and you begin to wonder if anything can resolve this whole mess.

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Know Yourself, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

An attitude of certainty will get you there

The energy of certainty can be defined as having ownership.

What you choose to own in your life, is up to you. Being certain doesn’t mean you have to be perfect or prove your case to anyone else. Certainty has more to do with your confidence level. Do you believe in what you are saying? Are you able to be certain about your own next step? Have you cleared the doubt out of your way?

Certainty is a vibration of energy.

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Creativity, Consciousness Kris Cahill Creativity, Consciousness Kris Cahill

Creating consciously begins with your focus

You may not fully appreciate how much value there is in your focus, in what you pay attention to.

For one thing, the simple act of putting your attention onto something helps to change that thing. Your attention, your focus on a thing shifts the energy of that thing. This is called the observer effect. According to Wikipedia: “In science, the term observer effect means that the act of observing will influence the phenomenon being observed.”

When you focus consciously on something, you have an effect on it. This is because where you put your focus is where you put your energy.

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Grounding, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Grounding, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

Hiding won’t help you get what you want

Hiding is a tactic, whether conscious or not, that prevents you from being seen.

If you want to create success for yourself, your business, creations, and other offerings, hiding doesn’t work. In order to attract what it is you want, you’ll need to step out of the shadows at some point and let others notice you. What’s more, you’ll have to say, “here I am!”. It takes a certain ownership of yourself, along with feeling safe enough to be seen, in order to stand out in the crowd.

Some species of insects, animals, and plants survive by blending into their environment. The idea is that if they don’t stand out too much, nobody will notice them or try to eat or otherwise interfere with them.

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Healing Yourself, Meditation Kris Cahill Healing Yourself, Meditation Kris Cahill

Learning to heal yourself is a skill worth developing

Consciously choosing to heal yourself helps you create healing within.

You make choices every day of your life. At a certain age, you learned to choose what you would wear each day, and to dress yourself. You became more self sufficient, not needing anyone else to tell you that you needed shoes and socks on your feet. You began to have an opinion about what clothing you put on your body every day.

When you were old enough, you may have helped your family to prepare food. Being able to feed yourself was seen as a good skill to develop, one that you'd certainly need when you became an adult and had to take care of yourself.

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What I learned about unity from my visit to the Berlin Wall

On my first visit to Europe, I saw the Berlin Wall and both Berlins up close, and had an important lesson in unity.

Two friends and I went on a month long journey throughout Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia. It was December 1986, I had just turned 28, and I was ecstatic to see the world. We planned to be in Germany for Christmas and the New Year, and to travel to East Berlin for a couple of day trips while we were staying in West Berlin. This meant going to the other side of the Berlin Wall, through the Iron Curtain. That wall, that dividing line inside of Germany, was a sharp reminder of not only a horrific war, but the many divisions human beings create between themselves in daily life.

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Healing Yourself, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Healing Yourself, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

How do you heal yourself?

Everyone has the power to heal.

Healing is a creative choice, a conscious act. When it comes to your own healing, you have more power than you may know. Healing yourself is an everyday way to live, and isn’t only for when you are sick or injured.

Everyone has a different definition of what 'self healing' means. For you, it may mean that you’re living a life that fulfills you. For example, maybe healing yourself means that you actively seek relationships that are based on mutual respect, trust, and love. You do work that is meaningful for you.

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Being Psychic, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Being Psychic, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

Affinity is a spiritual ability from the heart

Affinity is a spiritual ability contained within the 4th chakra, an ability every bit as important as the abilities to be safe, feel energy, see clearly, and so on.

Each of your seven main chakras contains information about you and your abilities – survival, emotions, energy, affinity, communication, clairvoyance, knowingness – to name a few of your numerous spiritual abilities. The 4th chakra, also known as the heart chakra, is positioned in the middle of the 7 chakras running up the spine, right at the heart. This chakra is the bridge between the lower 3 body chakras and the upper 3 spirit chakras.

The 4th Chakra rules Affinity and Love – love of others, yourself, your creations.

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