Building a world begins with a clairvoyant picture
Being clairvoyant allows you to create pictures.
You can build an entire world around a clairvoyant picture. That’s how your own world was built. You create pictures everyday, effortlessly.
Creating new pictures for your life is a clairvoyant act
You might say that each of us is a camera.
The images you carry with you about your body, health, relationships, career, money, power, talents, value – are pictures you captured yourself, often unconsciously.
Would you like to help create the future?
Everything begins with energy. An idea is energy, as is a vision.
A strong image is a powerful thing. If you don’t believe me, go ask the advertising industry. Your vision can create the future.
Can you let your light be seen?
When you show up as your true self, it is you who will be seen.
It sounds simple enough, doesn't it? If you want to be seen as yourself, you have to show up and be who you are. This means you need to let go of any energy that tells you you're not enough, that says you should hide until you earn the right to step up.
How clairvoyance helps you to transform yourself
Clairvoyance is an ability and a power that you already have, whether you know it or not.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see energy clearly, and also to create an image, a picture. It has nothing to do with fortune telling, though it is true that if you keep telling yourself you cannot have what you want, you are indeed predicting your own future.