Kris’s Blog
the art of being psychic
A simple guide to the 7 main chakras
Chakras are energy centers contained within you as part of your energy system.
You have seven main chakras lined up along your spine, from the tailbone up to the top of your head. Each of these chakras contains information about your spiritual abilities. Each is tied in with various organs and parts of the body as well. You also have chakras in the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands.
When your chakras are healthy and you are able to access the information contained within them, they are in movement, spinning. It is when they are in movement that you can use them.
The first chakra: safety, stability and belonging
The first chakra is an energy center that contains information about being secure, stable, protected, and grounded.
Located against your spine at the tailbone, this is the chakra to ground to the earth when you sit down to meditate. A grounded first chakra helps you to feel safe, and when you are safe you can create, grow, and release any unwanted energy that’s been hanging around inside of you. Having permission to ground yourself gives you the freedom to be who you are, live how you want to live, have health on every level of being, and feel like you belong, no matter where on earth you are.
Is it time for peace talks with your body?
Do you see your body as a ‘frienemy’?
You may have believed a lie about your body. Perhaps the lie is that it’s flawed, too thin, too fat, or just not right somehow. You may not fit into the perfect ideal presented constantly in our culture, everywhere you look. You may believe that your body is wrong, and so you fight with it, every day.
You may believe that the spirit is superior to the body, and so you leave your body to fend for itself, without listening to its cries for attention.
Are you using your imagination?
A child creates new realities through the art of play.
While spending long hours in her imagination, she invents never-before-heard-of scenarios, making up fantastic characters and universes as she goes. If a child is given toys that allow him to make it up as he goes along, so much the better. Whole worlds have been constructed with the sticks, stones, and mud found in the backyard.
A neighbor’s garden becomes a fairyland, and a scary tree is haunted. Children don’t need a lot of stuff to create, just some unscheduled time, space, and their imaginations will do.
I see peaceful people wherever I go
Being peaceful is easier than it seems.
We think it has to be hard to have peace, but it can be this simple. If you want to see peace on this earth, in your city, and in your lifetime, create peace within yourself, and carry it with you wherever you go. By your example, others will see that they can do this too. You bring them the gift of peace.
You become an inspiration for this healing because of your own commitment to healing from the wars that rage constantly on this planet, and have done so for much of human history.
Ain’t nobody’s business if I have peace within
Wouldn't it be nice to live your life without worrying about other people's opinions and judgments all of the time?
What if you didn’t care what others thought about you? Can you imagine the freedom you'd create for yourself by not caring about or needing other people's approval? If you lived unconcerned about the judgment coming from others who have a strong opinion about what everyone else needs to be doing, you'd create a lot more peace within yourself. If you don't give the gossip and uncomfortable judgments a place to land, they can't spread very far.
Being psychic needs no effort
Being psychic and accessing your psychic abilities requires no effort.
Your psychic abilities are natural and human. Being in effort just gets in the way of having your abilities on and working for you. Your intuition, clairvoyance, knowingness, telepathy, clairaudience, and other spiritual abilities, will seem unreal or unreachable to you if you’re in effort about having them.
If you find yourself in effort about being psychic, you may be in judgment of those very abilities you’re trying to access.
The present time is real time
Everything is happening right now in this present moment.
All of the excitement that is available, can be felt right now. Because feeling is a present time activity, right now is the only time you can feel anything. The senses of the body work in present time, because your body is always in present time. The phrases ‘I saw something yesterday’ and ‘I will hear something tomorrow’ describe the past or the future, and neither is happening right now.
When it’s happening now, you have some influence over it, a choice.
Emotional prosperity and well being
Emotional prosperity is about having permission to feel your own true emotions, without judging what you feel.
Happy emotions are fun to feel, and are seen as being superior to other more challenging and painful emotions. Sometimes we condemn our more difficult feelings as being bad, or as indicators that there is something wrong with us.
We might feel shame about them, as in "I shouldn't feel that way about __________, I'm ungrateful, unkind, or ungracious for feeling this way".
Have your space by being who you are
When you give yourself the freedom to be exactly who you are, you have space.
When you allow yourself to take up space without having to explain yourself to anyone else, you have enough room to breathe and to be. You have the right to exist, and you know why you’re here.
You are here to learn who you are. This isn't anyone else's job, only you can do it. You have permission to make your own decisions without waiting for approval from anyone else, when you choose to be yourself.
A time to embrace conscious optimism
On this first day of a new year and decade, I'm inspired to share one of my favorite quotes about the political act of optimism.
Being optimistic, especially in times of darkness and uncertainty, helps us evolve and grow. Conscious optimism is a vibration of energy to embrace in 2020.
Optimism is an act of the spirit, a conscious choice. Being optimistic doesn't mean that we don't face the reality of current events, it means we don't allow ourselves to be beaten down by those events. Instead, we do our work, we show up, we grow, give, love, heal, and forgive. Only in this way do we create consciously.
Reinvent yourself from the ground up
If you’ve been waiting until the time was right to reinvent yourself, what are you waiting for?
There has never been a more perfect time than now. If you’ve been waiting for permission to grow, consider announcing to yourself that the time is now. You don’t have to say anything to anyone else if you don’t want to. You don't have to make it nice and explain yourself and your changes. Just do them.
Sometimes people wait to take big steps until they’re certain that others won’t notice, or mind, or get upset that they are changing.